Klevu Module v4.x Overview

Removed Features


v2.x/v3.x Features No Longer Supported

These features from v2.x/v3.x have not been migrated to v4.x and will not be added in the future.

Theme JSv1

JSv1 is deprecated and therefore not supported in v4.x. Merchants using JSv1 in v2.x/v3.x have the choice of either remaining on v2.x/v3.x or migrating to JSv2.

Checkout Analytics

Triggering analytics requests for sales data from the checkout success page in the Luma theme via JavaScript. This didn't cover all themes or checkouts, e.g. Hyvä Checkout. No longer be required given changes made to analytics requests sent via the PHP-SDK.

Lazy Load JS Libraries

This improved Lighthouse scores but degraded performance for the customer.

Updated 18 Sep 2024
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