These features are planned for future releases.
Automatically migrate Klevu XML Indexing accounts to use Klevu JSON Indexing. Currently this is a manual process and could result in Klevu frontend solutions being disabled after migrating to v4.x. See the recommended production release documentation to avoid this situation.
This is not currently supported in v4.x. Please do not migrate if you are using Preserve Layout.
The plugin handles delta sync out of the box, i.e. only sync entities that have changed. We will also be adding partial data sync in a future release, e.g. if only the price has changed, only send the price data.
Integrate multiple Magento store views with the same Auth Keys. Using channels and locales to process the data from multiple stores.
Add support for Rabbit MQ to process activities currently handled via cron. With priority queues for updates of price and stock data.
The following attributes are not indexed to Klevu out of the box. You are free to implement this yourself if it is urgent.
- image.hover
- swatchInfo