Klevu Module v4.x Overview

Known Issues


Version 4.1.0


  • Observers on attribute save can cause the attribute not to save if the triggering of entity updates exceeds memory limits. - fixed in 4.1.1 release
  • Entity sync on very large stores can fail due to memory limits, causing no entries to be sent. - partial fix in 4.1.1 release, all entities up to the point of failure are now sent. The next sync will pick up where the previous one failed.

Version 4.0.0


  • Currency formatter does not respect the number of decimal places of a currency set in Magento. - fixed in 4.0.1 release


  • Updates of Grouped products' associated products do not trigger an update of the grouped product.
  • Updates of Bundle products' associated products do not trigger an update of the bundle product.
  • Product import updates are triggered too early, potentially syncing data to Klevu before the import has completed processing.
  • Configurable product creation does not always add all associated products to the klevu_indexing_entities table.
  • Attributes registered with Klevu always send the default label and not the store label.
  • Updating of Configurable child/variant products stock via Configurable product page Edit Configurations only triggers an update of the Configurable product and not the child/variant products
  • Missing Observer/Plugin on some stock status changes