Enumeration: KlevuSearchSorting
/ Exports / KlevuSearchSorting
• AdvancedSorting = "ADVANCED_SORT"
Advanced sorting method that requires list of keys to be sorted with. Recommended use advancedSorting() modifier instead of specifying this
• NameAsc = "NAME_ASC"
Sort the results by the name of each record, in alphabetical order.
• NameDesc = "NAME_DESC"
Sort the results by the name of each record, in alphabetical order.
• NewArrivalAsc = "NEW_ARRIVAL_ASC"
Sort your records based on their published date. Please see support article for important information about sorting by newness.
• NewArrivalDesc = "NEW_ARRIVAL_DESC"
Sort your records based on their published date. Please see support article for important information about sorting by newness.
• PriceAsc = "PRICE_ASC"
Sort the results by the salePrice value of each record.
• PriceDesc = "PRICE_DESC"
Sort the results by the salePrice value of each record.
• RatingAsc = "RATING_ASC"
Sort the results by each record's average rating, if this data has been indexed in your store.
• RatingDesc = "RATING_DESC"
Sort the results by each record's average rating, if this data has been indexed in your store.
• Relevance = "RELEVANCE"
This is the default sort order, which uses a combination of Klevu A.I. and your own merchandising configuration to determine the order of the results. Please read this article for more information about how Klevu ranks and orders the results.