Enumeration: KlevuSearchPreference
/ Exports / KlevuSearchPreference
• debugQuery = "debugQuery"
Use this flag to include additional information about the query execution. This information is populated in the meta object of the response.
Please note that it is not recommended to enable this flag in your Production environment, as performance will be impacted.
• disableFuzzyMatch = "disableFuzzyMatch"
This flag can be used in conjunction with the typeOfSearch 'DEFAULT' to disable the FUZZY_AND and FUZZY_OR search types from being attempted.
• disableORSearch = "disableORSearch"
This flag can be used in conjunction with the typeOfSearch 'DEFAULT' to disable the WILDCARD_OR and FUZZY_OR search types from being attempted.
• disableStockSorting = "disableStockSorting"
This can be used in conjunction with showOutOfStockProducts. If your store is configured to display out of stock products, they will be displayed at the very end of the search results after all in stock products have been displayed. By using this flag you can disable this logic, and cause all products to be ranked in an order that disregards their stock status.
• disableWildcard = "disableWildcard"
This flag can be used in conjunction with the typeOfSearch 'DEFAULT' to disable the WILDCARD_AND and WILDCARD_OR search types from being attempted.
• disableWordShingles = "disableWordShingles"
For a query longer than one word, all the possible bigrams and trigrams (i.e. formed out of query terms) are looked up in records and the ones having one or more of them are boosted higher up in the search results. You can use this flag to disable such boosting.
• enableBoostingOriginalTermsInSynonyms = "enableBoostingOriginalTermsInSynonyms"
By default, synonyms are treated equally to their query term. Should you wish to give higher priority to the actual terms your customer entered in the query over their synonyms, please include this flag in your search preferences.
• enableScores = "enableScores"
Include the score information with the response fields: score, klevu_manual_boosting, klevu_bulk_boosting and klevu_selflearning_boosting.
• excludeIds = "excludeIds"
Use this flag to disable the searching of record IDs.
• hideOutOfStockProducts = "hideOutOfStockProducts"
Whether or not your store should include 'Out of Stock' products in search results by default can be configured within the Klevu Merchant Centre. However, if you would like to override this for a particular query, please include one of these flags.
• ignoreManualBoosting = "ignoreManualBoosting"
@TODO: Most probably ignores manual boostin. Needs proper documentation
• includeCategoryFilterInCatNav = "includeCategoryFilterInCatNav"
When the typeOfRequest is 'CATNAV', the filter for 'Category' is automatically excluded since you are already within the context of a category. Use this flag to override this logic and return the category filters even for CatNav requests.
• includeDescription = "includeDescription"
, excludeDescription Whether or not a record's 'description' is considered for search results can be configured by Klevu Support on a store by store basis, however if you would like to override this for a particular query, please include one of these flags.
• includeStopwords = "includeStopwords"
By default, functional words such as prepositions, pronouns, articles, etc. are excluded from searches. Add this flag to include these stopwords in your search.
• partialMatch = "partialMatch"
Enable partial match for the last word of a query, where the last word searched can be a substring of any other word found in a record. This can be useful for non-English languages.
For example let's say a product has the name "rödvinsglas" (red wine glass). If searching for "högt glas" (tall glass) it may not match since the record has no words starting with 'glas'. By providing this flag, the search would become "högt glas" meaning it would match the record since it contains a word which ends with 'glas'.
• partialMatchForAllWords = "partialMatchForAllWords"
Similar to partialMatch, but for all words rather than just the last. In the same "rödvinsglas" example, a search for "högt glas" would become "högt glas", so any records containing words containing 'högt' or 'glas' would result in a match.
• searchCompoundsAsAndQuery = "searchCompoundsAsAndQuery"
When a compound word is searched for, i.e. two or more individual words joined together as one word, Klevu automatically disjoints them if the de-compounding feature is enabled for your store.
For example, a search for "fairylights" would be treated as "fairy lights", but with the added condition that those words must appear within 5 words of each other in a matching record.
If you would prefer that the words "fairy" and "light" could be found anywhere within the record, not necessarily near one another, then please include this flag.
• showDisabledFacets = "showDisabledFacets"
It is possible to configure which facets or filters should be enabled or disabled within the Klevu Merchant Centre. By including this flag, all facets will be returned regardless of whether they have been disabled in the KMC.
• showFiltersWithSmallCount = "showFiltersWithSmallCount"
By default some filters are excluded from the results if they only have a small number of results. Please use this flag to override this logic and include all filters in the response.
• showOutOfStockProducts = "showOutOfStockProducts"