Frontend Overview
The Frontend module module-m2-frontend creates a base for other frontend modules to inject data into. The frontend module itself has no knowledge of Category Navigation, Recommendations, Search or Metadata. They are added via their own modules module-m2-frontend-categorynavigation, module-m2-frontend-recommendations, module-m2-frontend-search and module-m2-frontend-metadata.
More modules may be added in the future to support new frontend solutions.
If you are not signed up for all Klevu frontend solutions you may remove the modules for the solutions not in use by updating your composer.json
Remove Category Navigation
Remove Recommendations
Remove Search
If you are using Klevu Headless SDK to build the frontend of your store then you can remove all Klevu frontend modules.
The frontend group of modules implement dedicated logs to segregate them from other areas, grouped by store name. These logs are found at /var/log/klevu/[store_code]/klevu-[store_code]-frontend.log.
To control the level of detail included in frontend logs (configurable on a store-by-store basis), please use the Klevu > Developer Settings > Logging > Frontend Log Level setting. See Logging for more information.