
FAQs and Troubleshooting


The Order IP address is empty or incorrect in the data sent to Klevu

Check the source data in your Magento installation (either via the view order screen, or directly in the sales_order database table), and ensure that the Klevu > Developer Settings > Order Analytics > IP Address Field for Order Data is set to the field containing the correct data.

If neither Remote IP or X-Forwarded-For have the correct information, you may need to speak to your systems administrator about persisting and retrieving this data. Where the data is saved to a different field, or the wrong value from a default field is extracted, the processOrders.iterateOrders.processOrder.execute.extractEventData.createUserProfile.createRecord.ip_address pipeline stage should be modified to use a different extraction accessor, or the Configuration Context object updated to provide a different ---method name for the ip_address_accessor

I have integrated an established store with Klevu - why are none of my existing orders scheduled for sync?

Existing orders are not queued for sync during integration automatically. To sync historic data, please refer to the klevu:analytics:queue-orders-for-sync CLI command.

There are orders in klevu_sync_order which are never picked up (even if explicitly listed in CLI args)

There are a number of possible causes

  1. The order is in an excluded status (see Klevu > Data Sync > Order Analytics > Exclude Statuses From Sync - defined at store scope). Orders may be queued in any status, or move into that status before a sync has executed
  • The order belongs to a disabled store, either through being forced into the queue or because the store was disabled in Magento before a sync executed
  • The order belongs to a store with sync disabled, either through being forced into the queue or because sync was disabled for the store before a sync executed
  • You are executing a CLI command with a combination of arguments (store id, sync status, and/or order id) which does not include all orders. This may be manually invoked, or as a replacement to the native cron job
  • Another module has been developed or installed which affects the sort order or filters used when retrieving Order collections