Quickstart : Smart Category Merchandising
There are three primary aspects required for any implementation
- Core reference files
- settings/configuration
- page elements / markup
The required reference files and corresponding markup may vary depending on the page context.
Note: the klevu.interactive configurations should be set globally.
See : Structure section for more detail on these components.
The following code is the minimum required to get a Category Page up and running.
Note: The sample below does not contain any additional Klevu functions (Quick Search and Search Result Landing Page). For details on those aspects please review the Quickstart : Smart Search
This code sample contains:
- JS Library core reference - klevu.js
- Configuration JavaScript - klevu.interactive
- Category Page Theme Layout reference - category-page.js
- Search Result HTML target/placeholder - <div>
Note: The index credentials used in this guide are specific for the Klevu Demo Store catalog. You are welcome to use the demo catalog for experiments and learning. Please adapt to your specific catalog as soon as possible to benefit from any specific modifications you will need for the success of your implementation.
There are some small modifications you will need to make to the above code in order for use with your Klevu index.
Element | JavaScript Varliable | Description |
Category Page Name | var klevu_pageCategory | The page specific Category name. This value must match the category value defined during indexing |
Element | klevu.interactive Options | Description |
Search URL | url.search | Your Klevu Cloud Search URL + endpoint path |
Search API Key | search.apiKey | Your Public Klevu JS API Key |
Analytics API Key | analytics.apiKey | Your Klevu Analytics API Key |
You can find your specific API Key and Endpoint information from Shop Info within your Klevu Merchant Center
See: Configuration for more details.