Specific configuration values used by Klevu are kept as a snippet of code which looks something like the following:
Settings available within options object
Array name | Field Name | Description | Default value |
powerUp | quick | QuickSearch Module | true |
powerUp | landing | Landing Page Module | true |
powerUp | catnav | Category Page Module | true |
powerUp | recsModule | Recommendations Module | true |
url | search | Klevu APIv2 Cloud Search URL endpoint | REQUIRED |
url | landing | The URL of the Search Results Landing Page (SRLP) | /search-results |
url | queryParam | The query parameter appended to the SRLP URL | q |
search | apiKey | Klevu JS Api Key which will be used for search requests | REQUIRED |
search | infiniteScrollOffset | Determines the pixel distance from bottom of the quicksearch (faceted layout display) to trigger the next result dataset | 50 |
search | infiniteScrollOffsetLanding | Determines the pixel distance from bottom of the webpage to trigger the next result dataset Determines the pixel distance of the page to trigger the next result dataset | 50 |
search | searchBoxSelector | The id, class, or handle used to bind the search input field | REQUIRED |
search | searchBoxTarget | Define a target for the results generation | false |
search | showQuickOnEnter | Disable the enter/return key in the quick search | false |
search | sliderPriceDelimiter | Set the delimiter between the currency symbol and the price for the price slider | " " |
search | fullPageLayoutEnabled | Avoid focusout event | false |
search | minChars | Number of typed characters required | 3 |
search | placeholder | Placeholder text of the search box | "" |
search | personalisation | Control of personalisation | false |
search | redirects | Redirects for specific search term "term": "" | |
recs | apiKey | Klevu JS Api Key used for Smart Recommendations | |
analytics | apiKey | Klevu JS Api Key used for general analytics reporting | REQUIRED |
global | apiKey | Klevu JS Api Key used for all components | OPTIONAL |
theme | quicksearch: loadDefaultStyles | Stop Klevu Quicksearch template styles from loading | true |
theme | landing: loadDefaultStyles | Stop Klevu SRLP template styles from loading | true |
theme | catnav: loadDefaultStyles | Stop Klevu Category template styles from loading | true |
theme | setTemplates | Specify one or more Klevu templates to override. Read Set Template for more information. | |
theme: modules: resultInfiniteScroll | quickSearch: enable | Set "true" to enable Infinite Scroll | |
theme: modules: resultInfiniteScroll | searchResultsPage: enable | Set "true" to enable Infinite Scroll | |
theme: modules: resultInfiniteScroll | categoryPage: enable | Set "true" to enable Infinite Scroll | |
Key Name | Key Value Default | Description |
klv_limits_productList | 12 | By default the Template JS library makes 12, 24, and 36 options available, but this can be set to any number. |
klv_limits_contentList | 12 | By default the Template JS library makes 12, 24, and 36 options available, but this can be set to any number. |
For Key Names that include [apiKey] you would replace this with your account's apiKey value. Here's an example:
Key Name | Key Value Default | Description |
klv_view_[apiKey]_productList | grid | Available values are "grid" and "list". |
klv_view_[apiKey]_contentList | list | Available values are "grid" and "list". |