Examples / How To
Account Management

Update Store Feed Endpoint (Shopify / Bigcommerce)


This guide assumes you have installed the latest version of klevu/php-sdk , either via composer or from source, and autoloading is functioning as expected.

This guide is applicable to Shopify and Bigcommerce stores only. Before making changes to your feed endpoint, please consult with our support team.

Updating Store Feed Endpoint

To update the endpoint used by Klevu's XML Feed Monitoring service, first locate your Klevu API and REST AUTH keys and create an AccountCredentials object (see Quickstart for steps).

Next, instantiate an UpdateStoreFeedUrlService object and call the execute method with the following information

  • Account credentials retrieved above
  • The full URL which should be used to download your XML feed
  • The store type (from the Platforms enum options)
  • The URL used to register your account Note: the domain should contain either .myshopify.com or .mybigcommerce.com

This call will throw exceptions if any issues arise, so you should catch and handle these appropriately.

At this point, you will have an ApiResponseInterface which can be checked for success status, as well as any errors returned by the Klevu API.


Source Code Reference