▸ sendRecommendationViewEvent(eventData?, override?): KlevuFetchModifer
This modifier should be used with all recommendation requests. It sends correct event data to klevu backend on recommendation view
Name | Type |
eventData? | Partial<{ action?: null | "STATIC_CONTENT" | "HIDE_RECOMMENDATION" | "FILTER" ; enabled: boolean ; logic: KMCRecommendationLogic ; maxProducts: number ; pageType: KMCRecommendationPagetype ; productThreshold: number ; recsKey: string ; segmentKey: null | string ; segmentName: null | string ; spotKey: string ; spotName: string ; title: string }> & Pick<{ action?: null | "STATIC_CONTENT" | "HIDE_RECOMMENDATION" | "FILTER" ; enabled: boolean ; logic: KMCRecommendationLogic ; maxProducts: number ; pageType: KMCRecommendationPagetype ; productThreshold: number ; recsKey: string ; segmentKey: null | string ; segmentName: null | string ; spotKey: string ; spotName: string ; title: string }, "logic" | "recsKey" | "title"> |
override? | Partial<KlevuRecommendationsEventV2Data> |