Ƭ KlevuQueryResult: Object
Raw query object from api
Name | Type | Description |
filters? | Currently available filters | |
id | string | Id used when defining query |
meta | { apiKey: string ; debuggingInformation: unknown ; isPersonalised: boolean ; klevuImageData?: { processed: { urls: string[] }[] } ; noOfResults: number ; notificationCode: number ; offset: number ; qTime: number ; searchedTerm: string ; totalResultsFound: number ; typeOfSearch: KlevuTypeOfSearch } | - |
meta.apiKey | string | Klevu API key |
meta.debuggingInformation | unknown | Information that can be useful for debugging the query. For example, the actual query that was fired by the Klevu Search engine, inclusive of any synonyms or de-compounded words taken into consideration. |
meta.isPersonalised | boolean | - |
meta.klevuImageData? | { processed: { urls: string[] }[] } | The urls processed in case of image search |
meta.klevuImageData.processed | { urls: string[] }[] | - |
meta.noOfResults | number | The number of results requested to be returned for this query. |
meta.notificationCode | number | This may be populated with a code if any actions were taken on the record. Possible values are: 1: Nothing to report. 2: The price of the record is using the base currency. |
meta.offset | number | The index of the first result returned in this response. |
meta.qTime | number | The time taken by the Klevu Search engine to fetch the response. |
meta.searchedTerm | string | The search term submitted for this query. |
meta.totalResultsFound | number | The total number of results found for this query. |
meta.typeOfSearch | The query type that was executed by Klevu to retrieve the results. | |
records | { id: string } & KlevuRecord[] | - |