Installation & Integration
Migration from v2.x/v3.x
Read Before Migrating

Recommended Production Migration Process


Ensure you have already migrated to v4.x in a non-production environment using a test Klevu account. Customisations to the frontend in v2.x/v3.x may not automatically work in v4.x. Customisations to data sync in v2.x/v3.x will not automatically work in v4.

Klevu v2.x/v3.x uses XML indexing, v4.x uses JSON indexing. Your Klevu account must be upgraded before data can be indexed to JSON indexing. This currently involves so manual steps to be performed by Klevu support. Therefore we do not automatically migrate your Auth Keys.

We are actively working on automating this upgrade of your account from XML indexing to JSON indexing and it is planned for an upcoming release. Until that is released we recommend the following process for deployment to production environments to ensure Klevu solutions remain enabled on the frontend throughout the process.

Before Migration

  • Contact support and let them know you are planning to migrate to V4 on production. Coordinate a time for this process. Please give support plenty of advance notice (at least 5 working days) so we can perform checks on your account eligibility for migration and ensure someone is available to migrate your account promptly.

Not notifying support in good time (5 working days) before the migration may result in a delay to your account migration.


Before Installing Klevu v4.x

  • Inject your Auth Keys into the new paths for v4. This will ensure that the Klevu solutions continue to work on the frontend while your account is being upgraded.

  • Repeat for each store integrated with Klevu.
  • Disable Klevu data sync for products, categories and CMS pages from Magento admin. Ensure they are disabled at every scope level.
  • Contact support and request they begin the upgrade of your account.

Installing Klevu v4.x Follow your usual deployment processes, the steps in this section are provided as a guide only.

  • Enable Maintenance Mode bin/magento maintenance:enable
  • Install the modules via composer install
  • Enable all Klevu modules bin/magento module:status | grep Klevu_ | grep -v List | grep -v None | grep -v -e '^$'| xargs php bin/magento module:enable
  • Upgrade Magento bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Compile code bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • Deploy static content bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • Clean caches bin/magento cache:clean
  • Disable Maintenance Mode bin/magento maintenance:disable

After Installing Klevu v4.x

  • Indexing is still disabled. Do not enable it until support has completed the migration of your account. If you enable indexing before the upgrade is completed indexing requests will fail.
  • Support will let you know as soon as the account migration is complete.
  • Enable indexing for each entity type.
  • The Magento cron will handle:
    • The discovery and registration of attributes with Klevu.
    • The discovery and indexing of entities (products, categories and CMS pages) with Klevu.
  • If you do not wish to wait for the cron you can manually trigger these processes via CLI, see Indexing - Attributes and Indexing - Entities for the relevant commands.