
Indexing Overview


Klevu’s Magento modules use Klevu’s Data Indexing JSON API to register attributes and index entities with Klevu.

Before entity data for an attribute can be indexed to Klevu, the attribute MUST be registered with Klevu.

Some standard attributes do not require registration with Klevu, e.g. name, price, SKU. See Indexing - Attributes for more details.

Module Structure

The Indexing module module-m2-indexing enables the indexing of attributes and entities to Klevu. The indexing module creates a skeleton for other indexing modules to inject data into. The indexing module itself has no knowledge of attribute or entity types. The entities Categories, CMS Pages and Products are added via their own modules module-m2-indexing-categories, module-m2-indexing-cms and module-m2-indexing-products. Merchants can also add their own modules to index any custom entity types.

Removing modules

If you do not wish to index all entity types (products, categories, CMS pages) to Klevu you may remove the modules for those solutions by updating your composer.json

Remove Indexing Categories


Remove Indexing Cms Pages


Remove Indexing Products


If you are indexing data to Klevu via some other method (e.g. XML shopping feed) then you can remove all Klevu indexing modules.



The Indexing group of modules implement dedicated logs to segregate them from other areas, grouped by store name. These logs are found at /var/log/klevu/[store_code]/klevu-[store_code]-indexing.log.

To control the level of detail included in indexing logs (configurable on a store-by-store basis), please use the Klevu > Developer Settings > Logging > Indexing Log Level setting. See Logging for more information.