Theme JS

Updating KlevuSettings


KlevuSettings is an object of data passed to the Javascript function klevu(). These settings determine how Klevu Theme JS is configured. Theme JS configuration documentation can be found here

How Klevu Settings is Generated

The klevuSettings object is generated from a combination of 2 sources.

1) The Klevu\Frontend\Service\KlevuSettingsBuilder which generates an array of settings via di.xml, with each module injecting its own settings. e.g.


2) Klevu\Frontend\Service\CustomSettingsBuilder which generates data from the Custom Jsv2 Settings settings in the admin.

They are then combined with any setting from CustomSettingsBuilder overriding KlevuSettingsBuilder

How KlevuSettings Is Added to head and Passed to Klevu

Klevu Jsv2 settings are added to your page <head> via layout xml here module-m2-frontend/view/frontend/layout/default_head_blocks.xml. Specifically in block Klevu_Frontend.js_settings which adds 2 empty contain blocks so you can inject your own code before and after klevu(klevuSettings).

The template that generates the settings is module-m2-frontend/view/frontend/templates/html/head/js_settings.phtml.


Making Changes to the KlevuSettings Object

There are 3 ways to make changes to this object:

  • Set the value in the admin. Use this if the value:
    • does not change based on any business logic.
    • does not depend on any frontend element.
  • Set the value via your theme. Use this if the value:
    • is different depending on the theme (you use multiple themes in your store).
    • depends on an element on the frontend of your store that you can access via javascript.
  • Set the value via a custom module. Use this if the value:
    • depends on values stored in your database.
    • depends on more complex business logic.
    • depends on an element on the frontend of your store that you can access via javascript, you have multiple themes on your site and you need to apply the change to them all.

In reality you will likely use a combination of all 3, some set in the admin, some set in theme or module templates that may use a ViewModel defined in your customer module.

Adding Klevu Theme Settings Via Admin

JSv2 settings NOT found in Stores > Configuration > Klevu Section

Magento already has a setting for these, so we’re using the existing settings rather than duplicating them and causing potential confusion.

  • Minimum characters used in search, Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Search > Minimal Query Length
  • Maximum characters used in search, Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Search > Maximum Query Length
  • Language, Stores > Configuration > General > Locale Options > Locale

JSv2 settings in Stores > Configuration > Klevu Section

All JSv2 settings in config can be overwritten by using Stores > Configuration > Klevu > Developer Settings > Frontend > Custom JSv2 Settings. e.g. if you need to defer the powerUp of the SRLP you can do that here. Set path = powerUp.landing, type=boolean, value=false.

A list of available settings can be found here

Custom JSv2 Settings
Custom JSv2 Settings

There are 2 settings we have given their own fields within Stores > Configuration > Klevu > Developer Settings > Frontend. They are

  • Search Box Selector: The id, class, or handle used to bind the search input field. This is equivalent to setting search.searchBoxSelector in Custom Jsv2 Options.
  • Search Query Parameter: The query parameter appended to the SRLP URL. This is equivalent to setting url.queryParam in Custom Jsv2 Options.

Note: Any values set in Custom JSv2 Settings will override values set in di.xml

After changing any configuration settings, please remember to clear the Config cache.

Adding Klevu Theme Settings Via Theme

Sometimes setting these values via the admin is not an option. You may need to:

  • use Javascript to get an element from the page
  • have different settings for different themes within the same store.

Change KlevuSettings Before They are Passed to klevu()

  1. In your theme create a module Klevu_Frontend, app/code/design/frontend/Vendor/theme/Klevu_Frontend
  2. Create a layout file to add your blocks to our contain klevu_frontend.init_before app/code/design/frontend/Vendor/theme/Klevu_Frontend/layout/default_head_blocks.xml

3. Create the template file that will contain your customisations app/code/design/frontend/Vendor/theme/Klevu_Frontend/templates/klevu/init_before.phtml


Adding Klevu Theme Settings Via A Custom Module

Note the example below we have used Module Vendor_Module. Magento module creation documentation.

To add a new setting to klevuSettings before the object is output to the page you can add to the KlevuSettingsBuilder via frontend di.xml. It is possible to set boolean, const, number and string in the XML, though these can also be set in the admin.

Note: Any values set in Custom JSv2 Settings will override values set here via di.xml



<argument name="klevuSettings" xsi:type="array"> contains all the data output as klevuSettings. The names of the items make up the paths in klevuSettings. The generated output of the above XML would be


More interesting though is the ability to pass an instance of Klevu\FrontendApi\Service\Provider\SettingsProviderInterface e.g.


If the provider returns a value from core_config_data you can create a virtualType for Klevu\Frontend\Service\Provider\SettingsProvider and pass it the path and return type.



If your provider requires more business logic, create the class that implements Klevu\FrontendApi\Service\Provider\SettingsProviderInterface.


Settings Provider Examples

  • Klevu\Frontend\Service\Provider\ApiKeyProvider
  • Klevu\FrontendSearch\Service\Provider\LandingUrlProvider
  • Klevu\FrontendCategoryNavigation\Service\Provider\LandingInfiniteScrollOffsetProvider

Your provider may throw an exception of type Klevu\Frontend\Exception\OutputDisabledException. This will prevent the setting from being added to the output.